Infraestructure Program
The Galician Aerospace Center has unique infrastructures that make it an unbeatable option for carrying out certified testing with unmanned vehicles.
This program consists of a number of actions aimed at creating the infrastructures needed for the development of the aerospace sector in Galicia and provides for a total investment of € 13.5 M until December 2020, of which 100 % has already been implemented.

The Joint Rozas Aeronautics Research Centre (CIAR)
The Joint INTA-Xunta de Galicia Rozas Aeronautics Research Center (CIAR), located at the airfield, has state-of-the-art equipment that makes it one of the reference centres in Europe in the field of unmanned vehicles.
The Rozas Technological and Industrial Park
A technological and industrial park has been created in the area around Rozas, to provide companies with land near the airfield, in order to strengthen the business fabric of the sector.

Entrepreneurship Centre
The Xunta de Galicia plans to create an Entrepreneurship Center in Lugo dedicated entirely to the aerospace sector that will host the Business Factory Aero.
The Entrepreneurship Centre will occupy an area of 1690 m² of an emblematic building in the city, the old hospital of Lugo, located in the Northwest block of the complex. The budget to refurbish the facilities is about € 3 M.
This Center will also be a ‘think tank’ or centre for reflection on the civil use of UAVs, and will integrate different scientific disciplines, international advisers, etc.