Stakeholders in the Civil UAVs Initiative
The Xunta de Galicia, with the involvement of all its Regional Ministries, is the promoter and manager of the Civil UAVs Initiative. It is also its first client and validator of the technology developed.
All Regional Ministries of the Xunta de Galicia participate as users and co-designers of the technologies and solutions developed through the different Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) contracts.
The Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN) is the department that manages the initiative and the IGAPE is the body that co-finances several of the Civil UAVs Initiative programs.
The Spanish Public Research Agency INTA is specialised in research and technological development in the fields of aeronautics, space, hydrodynamics, security and defence. It is a part of the Ministry of Defence and participates as a promoter of the Civil UAVs Initiative.
In collaboration with the Xunta de Galicia, INTA manages the Rozas Aeronautics Research Centre (CIAR), co-finances the infrastructure program, and acts as a procurement body for the same.
The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation is the main funding body of the Infrastructure and Solutions programs. The Centre for Technological and Industrial Development (CDTI), which is a part of this Ministry, also collaborates and finances the Civil UAVs Initiative.
The public company ENAIRE, the main supplier of air navigation and aeronautical information services in Spain, and part of the Ministry of Development, participates as a partner in the joint Xunta- Boeing Research and Technology Europe “Galician Skyway” program.
The technological and industrial partners of the Xunta de Galicia in the Civil UAVs Initiative are: Indra, a leading Spanish multinational in aerospace; Babcock Mission Critical Services, a British multinational; and Boeing Research and Technology Europe, a division of the leading North American multinational in aerospace. Each company participates in a specific manner in the development of the joint R&D program.
The three multinationals have deployed all their strategic potential in Galicia in partnership with local SMEs, technological and research centres and Galician universities.
More than 50 agents are participating in the different R&D projects to create solutions for the provision of more innovative and efficient public services.
Besides the Administrations and the companies that drive the program, other parties involved in this initiative are knowledge centres and talent retention companies from the region. Among them are three Galician Universities and nine technological and research centres.
Individual participation of each stakeholder in the different programs. (Download)
Percentage participation in the Civil UAVs Initiative by type of entity. (Download)