The Civil UAVs Initiative

The Civil UAVs Initiative is a strategic initiative led by the Xunta de Galicia where the aim is to promote innovative solutions based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to improve provision of public services and to create a technological innovation centre in this segment of the aerospace sector.

In 2015, the Xunta de Galicia, with support from the Government of Spain and the National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA), decided to boost the aerospace sector through the development of UAVs for civil use. 

The intention is to mobilise € 164 million from 2016 to 2020, from public and private sectors, to develop different programmes oriented towards strengthening Galicia’s position in the aerospace sector.

La Civil UAVs Initiative
50 agentes participan en la Iniciativa (empresas tractoras, pymes, universidades y centros de conocimiento).


3 multinacionales líderes en el sector aeroespacial desarrollan proyectos de I+D con la Xunta de Galicia para dar respuesta a todos los retos de futuro que plantea el uso de UAVs en el ámbito civil.

Universities, knowledge centres, ‘driver’ enterprises and SMEs

40 empresas desarrollan proyectos de soluciones que dan respuesta a retos complejos de la gestión pública, a los que puede responderse con el uso de UAVs y de las tecnologías asociadas a los mismos.

Ongoing R&D&I Projects

3 universidades colaboran en la iniciativa

High-Skilled employment

The Civil UAVs Initiative (Download)

The Civil UAVs Initiative Projects (Download)

Main objectives

La Civil UAVs Initiative (CUI) es la Iniciativa Estratégica de la Xunta para convertir a Galicia en un Polo Aeroespacial en Europa.

the provision of public services through innovative solutions that use UAVs to improve water quality, increase fishing fleet safety, forestry control & management, territorial planning & management, automation of cartographic & topographic information, and improvement of health assistance in remote places, among others.

Galicia as the reference aerospace technological innovation centre in Spain and Europe.

strategic R&D&I lines for knowledge centres and enterprises in an avant-garde and high technological intensity sector with great future potential.

a centre for generation, attraction and retention of talent and knowledge.

innovative SMEs and high-skilled employment in the UAV segment.

marketing and internationalisation of the products and solutions developed within the Civil UAVs Initiative.

Partnership agreements between the Xunta and large companies for the joint development of R&D programmes that allow for the creation of products, technologies and solutions within the aerospace sector based on pre-commercial public procurement models.
Promotion of the aerospace science in Galicia by means of an aerial platform research project (Future Research and Trial Aircraft - FENIX).
Additional financial benefits granted by GAIN (Xunta) allocated to aerospace R&D projects.
Contracting comprehensive services based on innovative technology through innovation public procurement tenders (or association for innovation). These innovative solutions must be operational for the Xunta in a two-year period, thus giving response to a wide array of public needs related...
Actions aimed at creating the needed infrastructures in Galicia for the public and private development of the aerospace sector:
Promotion of the attraction, creation and development of small and medium-sized enterprises within the aerospace sector in Galicia.
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