Ongoing Preliminary Market Consultations
Closed Preliminary Market Inquiries and Request for Information

U-Space simulation environment at ROZAS CIAR
The Centre for Technological and Industrial Development (CDTI) and the Xunta de Galicia, through the Galician Innovation Agency, are promoting a Preliminary Market Consultation aimed at obtaining information from economic agents on the level of technology development for the creation of a U-Space simulation environment at the Rozas Aeronautics Research Centre (CIAR).

Definition of the new 2021-2025 programming period of the Civil UAVs Initiative
Between 2021 and 2025, the Xunta de Galicia will address a new programming period for the Civil UAVs Initiative, by reaffirming its commitment — following the COVID-19 pandemic, to consolidate a high-tech industry that will give Galicia greater resilience to crises, economic growth, and social cohesion.
The planned future public-private investment will aim to continue the momentum of the aerospace sector in Galicia and, in particular, to support specialised R&D&I in unmanned vehicles and to seek solutions that improve the provision, efficacy and efficiency of public services.
RFI Consultas al Mercado 2021-2025 ES
RFI Consultas ao Mercado 2021-2025 GAL
RFI Preliminary Market Consultations 2021-2025 EN
Anexo 1_ El aeródromo de Rozas ES
Anexo 1_ O aeródromo de Rozas GAL
Anexo 2_ Parque Industrial y Tecnológico de Rozas ES
Anexo 2_ Parque Industrial e Tecnolóxico de Rozas GAL
Annex 2_Rozas Industrial and Technology Park EN
Anexo 3_ Proyectos financiados en el periodo 2015-2020 ES

R&D program
The pre-commercial public procurement tender on which the Civil UAVs Initiative R&D program was developed was preceded by a Request for Information that asked for expression of interest. A total of nine responses were obtained from major international market leaders and this was a great boost to the launch of the initiative.

Solutions Program
During the tender designing process for the Solutions Program, carried out through the Public Procurement of Innovative Technology (PPIT) procedures, the Xunta de Galicia performed preliminary market consultations from July 2015 to January 2017, to which a total of 214 expressions of interest were received from different companies and organisations.