Public support for investments in the aerospace sector
Galicia provides complementary economic aid to the aerospace sector to develop its capabilities and infrastructures for carrying out R&D projects in this field.

Joint Research Units
Category: Competitive Call
Managing Body: Gain
Scope: Research and Development
Aid of 30 % of the eligible budget, is available for the creation and start-up of joint research units, formed by a research body in Galicia and a company, which exceptionally can be two companies, with the objective of jointly coordinating research, innovation and development activities. The minimum eligible funding amountis € 2,000,000.
The Future Industry 4.0 Programme
Category: Competitive Call
Competitive Call: Gain
Scope: Research and Development
Aid of between 15 and 80% of the eligible costs to develop projects related to industrial research, experimental development and innovation in terms of organisation andonline processes that tend towards the Factory of the Future, Smart Factory and Industry 4.0. Beneficiaries may be companies and groupings comprised of one or more enterprises and a research body. The minimum eligible budget is € 2,000,000 and the maximum is € 10,000,000 for individual or joint projects.

Conecta SME Program
Category: Competitive Call
Managing Body: Gain
Scope: Research and Development
Aid of between 15 and 80% of the eligible budget for joint collaboration between companies, to develop projects related to industrial research, experimental development and innovation in terms of organisation andprocesses. Groupings of companies made of at least three non-linked companies and at most six may be beneficiaries. The minimum eligible budget is € 500,000 and the maximum is € 1,500,000.
Support for participation in H2020
Category: Other support mechanisms
Managing Body: Gain
Scope: Innovation
Aid for the participation of Galician quality in the EU’s Research and Innovation Framework Programme, through several lines of aid:
Line 1: Aid for the preparation of quality proposals. SMEs and research and dissemination agencies can be beneficiaries. Aid of up to 80 % of eligible investment (with limits).
Lines 2.1 and 2.2: Financing for the development of an individual proposal submitted to Phase 1 (Line 2.1) or Phase 2 (Line 2.2) of the SME instrument. Beneficiaries can be SMEs. Aid up to 70 % of eligible investment in Line 2.1 and up to 45 % in Line 2.2 (both with limits).

IFI Innovate Loans
Category: Loan
Management body: Igape
Scope: Innovation
Loan program developed by GAIN and IGAPE, to financially support new innovative SME projects, with a minimum eligible budget of € 71,500, where the loan can cover 70 % of eligible costs, the minimum loan amount should be € 50,000 and maximum loan amount should be € 500,000. They are low interest rate loans for SMEs that carry out business in Galicia and undertake R&D&I projects to improve the company’s competitive position.
Strategic Investment Loans
Category: Loan
Organismo gestor: Igape
• Scope: Investment and growth
Finance new investment projects for production capacity-building interventions and/or upgrading of existing facilities. The project must have a financing cost equal to or greater than € 1,500.000 plus taxes, where the minimum loan amount should be € 750,000 and the maximum loan amount should be € 5,000,000, and cannot exceed 50% of the financing cost of the project. Enterprises (that meet the requirements) and natural persons, groupings and civil societies and joint tenancies (that meet the requirements) may be beneficiaries.

Aid for Business Investment Projects
Category: Non-Competitive Call
Managing Body: Igape
Scope: Investment and growth
To subsidise investment projects in fixed assets, to stimulate the start-up of business investment projects in Galicia, linked to the development and improvement of existing companies, as well as the creation and start-up of new business initiatives. The eligible investment must be equal to or greater than € 50,000 and not greater than € 2,000,000. The maximum aid granted will be 30 %. Beneficiaries can be SMEs, whatever their legal form.
Aid for the Development of Machinery and Capital Goods (Machinery 4.0 Program)
Category: Competitive Call
Managing Body: Igape
Scope: Investment and growth
To support the development, standardisation and marketing of machinery and equipment in the areas defined by the industrial agents of Galicia who submitted proposals to the consultation called by the IGAPE through Resolution of 4 September 2019 (Galician Gazette-DOG No. 183, 26.9.2019 and DOG No. 216, 13.11.2019). Individual beneficiaries may be companies in the sector or business area of machinery or equipment manufacture, while collective beneficiaries may be groups of two or more companies in which at least one of them is from the sector or business area mentioned, and the others belong to industry sectors or services directly related to the development of the product for which aid is sought. The aid granted will be between 15 and 70 % of the eligible budget.

IFI Industry 4.0 Loans
Category: Loan
Management body: Igape
Scope: Investment and growth
Aimed at SMEs that develop their activity in the area of the new industry (in accordance with the concept defined in the Competitiveness Agenda of Galicia), this aid intends to finance investments in fixed assets and structural working capital linked to an investment project, with priority for technologies related to the Factory of the Future and the Industry 4.0 concept. The project must present a financing cost between € 100,000 and € 1, 600,000. The minimum loan amount shall be € 65,000 and the maximum amount € 1,000,000, and cannot exceed 65 % of the project’s financing cost.
Aid for the digitisation of Industry 4.0
Category: Competitive Call
Managing Body: Igape
Scope: Investment and growthThe aid is directed to projects whose purpose is to implement solutions to provide digital support for company processes or for projects related to digital interconnection of processes between a Galician SME and other companies, or between two or more Galician SMEs such as distributed manufacturing orders, billing systems, processes between an industrial leader and SMEs that make up its value chain. There are two types of projects: a) Collective, i.e., between a group of companies (optionally coordinated by an intermediary collaborating body) and b) Individual, i.e., just on SME involved. The aid granted will be between 20 % and 30 % of the eligible tangible and intangible investments (50 % for eligible external cooperation expenditure).

Other aid
In addition to our most relevant aid programs, we have a wide range of support programs that can be synergistic or complementary to the promotion of projects in the aerospace sector. Information can be found at the following link.